
ART Vision is proud to provide a number of comprehensive treatment options for patients experiencing the symptoms of a corneal disease or disorder.

The cornea is the outer, clear surface of your eye that plays a vital part in focusing light on the retina, helping you to see with clarity. The cornea may develop diseases and disorders, as well as trauma.



Corneal Diseases & Disorders

Cornea Conditions

The cornea can be affected by a number of diseases and disorders, as well as trauma, which can affect your vision and quality of life.

  • The cornea is the outer, clear surface of your eye that plays a vital part in focusing light on the retina, helping you to see with clarity. Along with a clear lens inside your eye, a healthy cornea has normal shape and both will allow light to focus easily. But if your cornea is irregular in shape, or is not clear, and the lens is clouded, it could make it difficult for you to see with clarity. The cornea can be affected by a number of diseases and disorders, as well as trauma, which can affect your vision and quality o life. At ART Vision, led by fellowship-trained and board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Alison R. Tendler, our team is experienced in the diagnosis and treatment of many cornea conditions. Using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology, we can help you maintain or improve your visual health so that you can live life with clear vision.

  • ART Vision is familiar with many corneal diseases and disorders, including but not limited to:

    Corneal Abrasion – This injury to the surface of the cornea and is considered a superficial scratch. It may be caused by a true injury to the eye, or sometimes occurs without any known trauma. A cornea scratch could also by related to the presence of a foreign body (ie. dirt, sand) or from poor contact lens use and wear.

    Corneal Ulcer – Open, uncomfortable sores called ulcers can appear on the cornea, causing pain, temporary vision loss, and potentially blindness. They are most commonly caused by a bacterial or viral infection, but can also be caused systemic medical diseases that impact the ability of the eye to heal normally.

    Keratitis – Keratitis is a general term meaning inflammation of the cornea. Most often caused by dry eye, or ocular surface disease, it can also be due to a viral or bacterial infection.

    Keratoconus – This often slow, yet progressive corneal eye disease causes the cornea to change from a round shape to more of a cone-like shape. There are multiple levels of this disease state and it can impact your best vision and ability to see crisply.

    Corneal Dystrophies – Corneal dystrophies refers to a group of progressive and mostly genetic eye disorders, which cause an abnormal accumulation of tissue one of the many layers to the window of the eye (cornea). The most commonly seen are anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD) and Fuchs endothelial dystrophy (FED).

    Pterygium – This growth begins in the thin, clear eye tissue (white part of eye) and slowly grows to cover the cornea. Though it is noncancerous, it may grow enough to cause irritation, redness, and a decrease in vision.

    Salzmann's Nodular Degeneration - This common corneal disorder is caused by th build-up of opaque, fibrous material on the cornea that can lead to irregular astigmatism and decreased vision quality, even with glasses. Surgical removal along with phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) are options to restore clearer vision.

    Conjunctival Laxity - As we age, the thin conjunctival tissue can become loose and lax, creating symptoms of tearing, redness, and foreign body sensation. This is often unrecognized and can have similar symptoms to dry eye. Another term for it is conjunctivalchalasis. Non-surgical and surgical options exist to treat this condition, depending upon its severity.

  • Some corneal diseases and disorders cause little to no symptoms. But for many, the symptoms of these conditions greatly affect their quality of life. If you are suffering from distorted vision and eye pain, you should schedule an exam with ART Vision. Symptoms most commonly related to corneal diseases and disorders include:

    • Blurred or distorted vision

    • Inflammation in one or both eyes

    • Eye pain

    • Sensitivity to light

    • Excessive tearing (epiphoria)

  • Corneal diseases and disorders are, more often than not, genetic, which is why patients with a family history of cornea-related eye conditions should schedule and maintain regular eye examinations and be on the lookout for potential symptoms. In some situations, corneal conditions are caused by excessive eye rubbing or trauma to the eyes. No matter the cause, ART Vision can help with a number of surgical and nonsurgical treatment options that can help restore your vision and protect it from future impairment.

  • Corneal Keratitis / Abrasion / Ulcer

    Depending upon the symptoms and cause, Dr. Tendler may recommend over-the-counter or prescription treatments. Small in-office procedures may be necessary, and often, multiple treatment methods are needed to adequately treat the condition and bring relief.

    Corneal Cross-linking

    This process is FDA-approved for the treatment and management of keratoconus. Using riboflavin and ultraviolet light to strengthen and create new cross-links within the cornea, the eye process becomes stabilized, and sometimes mildly reversed. A minimally invasive procedure, cross-linking does not require surgical incisions and can slow or stop the corneal-thinning process and improve your visual acuity.

    Corneal Transplant (DSEK / DSAEK / DMEK)

    Descemet's Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSEK), Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty (DSAEK), and Descemet's Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK) are surgical procedures that replace the inner layer of the cornea. Many people no longer need full-thickness cornea transplants, and the surgeries offer transplant opportunities for patients whose inner endothelial layer of the cornea has broken down. In the past decade, these surgical methods have become the procedures of choice for conditions like Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy.

    Keratectomy (PTK)

    Phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) is a minor surgical therapeutic treatment that removes a small outer layer of tissue from the cornea using an excimer laser. This procedure treats diseases that affect the surface of the cornea, as well as corneal injuries. Anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD), recurrent corneal erosions (RCE), and Salzmann's nodular degeneration are often treated this way.

  • ART Vision is proud to provide a number of comprehensive treatment options for patients experiencing the symptoms of a corneal disease or disorder. If you believe you may have a cornea-related condition or have already been diagnosed, our team is happy to provide you with a thorough examination and create a treatment plan that is unique to your needs, helping you see clearer and improve the quality of your life. Contact our Sioux Falls, SD facility today to schedule your visit with Dr. Tendler and her team and discuss options to See the World Better and See Yourself Better.

    Call us at 605.306.2020 / Schedule an appointment


Cornea Transplant

Surgical Replacement

A partial-thickness cornea transplant involves removing only the damaged part of the cornea and surgically replacing it with donor cornea tissue.

  • If you have been diagnosed with a corneal disease such as Fuchs' endothelial dystrophy, you may be a candidate for a partial-thickness corneal transplant to improve your vision. To complete this type of procedure, our skilled fellowship-trained and board-certified ophthalmologist, Dr. Alison R. Tendler, will surgically remove a small portion of corneal tissue and replace it with donor tissue in one of three transplant techniques, DSEK (Descemet's Stripping Endothelial Keratoplasty), DSAEK (Descemet's Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty), or DMEK (Descemet's Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty). The new corneal tissue self-adheres without the need for sutures. The talented team at ART Vision is skilled in the diagnosis and treatment of many cornea-related diseases and disorders and can effectively perform corneal transplants using state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques. If you have a corneal disease or disorder and would like to learn more about your treatment options, contact our Sioux Falls, SD facility today to schedule a consultation.

  • Patients who are considering a corneal transplant as a treatment option should meet with Dr. Tendler to ensure they are ideal candidates for the procedure, as well as understand their optiosn and set expectiations. Generally speaking, patients who receive the most benefits from a partial corneal transplant may have Fuchs' dystrophy and are experiencing:

    • Fluctuating vision

    • Cornea swelling or fluid buildup in the cornea

    • Hazy vision

    • Loss of good quality vision, even with glasses

  • Endothelial keratoplaties (DSEK, DSAEK, and DMEK) are all performed very similarly and typically take less than 30 minutes from beginning to end. During the procedure, Dr. Tendler removes the diseased or dysfunction portion of the cornea endothelium, and replaces it with special pre-prepared donor corneal tissue. Your procedure is always performed under sedation and a localized numbing block /to ensure maximum comfort. The eye will be patched and shielded.

  • Prior to your procedure, you will be provided with detailed aftercare instructions. It is of the utmost importance that instructions are closely followed after surgery and that all follow-up appointments are attended. Full recovery after a corneal transplant can vary according to a number of factors. During the first 1-2 weeks you should begin noticing improved clarity, but the eye will be quite blurry right away. Over the next serval months, continued improvements will be made.

  • ART Vision takes great pride in preserving your vision by repairing your sight with highly effective treatment options that truly work. We strive to provide you with the most advanced surgical options possible combined with the expertise of a fellowship-trained corneal eye surgeon. If you believe you could benefit from a corneal transplant and would like to discuss your options, we invite you to contact our Sioux Falls, SD facility today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Alison Tendler. It's time to See the World Better and See Yourself Better.

    Call us at 605.306.2020 / Schedule an appointment




Phototherapeutic Keratectomy (PTK)

A keratectomy is a surgical procedure used to improve vision. Performed with or without a laser, an unhealthy layer of the cornea is gently removed.

  • Keratectomy or phototherapeutic keratectomy (PTK) is a laser-assisted surgical procedure used to treat corneal diseases and disorders. Prior to the approval of PTK for the treatment of these types of conditions, a full-thickness corneal transplant was the only option for corneal disease. PTK serves as a safe alternative and may prevent the need for a full corneal transplant at a later date. PTK works by removing the diseased or damaged corneal tissue and creating a smooth corneal surface for light to refract off of, thereby improving your vision. The highly customizable procedure is made further beneficial with the help of fellowship-trained and board-certified ophthalmologist Dr. Alison R. Tendler's incredible experience. If you would like to learn more about the benefits of PTK, please contact ART Vision in Sioux Falls, SD to schedule a visit to our facility.

  • If you have been diagnosed with a corneal disease or disorder and are experiencing inconsistent vision, pain or irritation, and watering eyes, you may benefit from PTK. Certain health issues may prevent you from being considered a good candidate for PTK, including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, or uncontrolled diabetes. During your initial visit to our facility, Dr, Tendler will review your medical history and lifestyle to determine whether or not you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. PTK is most commonly performed for anterior basement membrane dystrophy (ABMD), recurrent corneal erosions (RCE), and Salzmann's nodular degeneration.

  • From beginning to end, PTK is typically completed in less than 15 minutes. To begin the procedure, your eye will be numbed with a specialized eye drop. Next, an eye speculum will be used to hold your eye open so you do not have to worry about blinking. An excimer laser is then used to target and remove damaged or diseased tissue. The laser can also address corneal irregularities simultaneously, smoothing the cornea for a more natural refractive surface and hence improve your vision. When Dr. Tendler has completed the surgery, a specialized contact lens will be placed over the eye to help reduce discomfort as you heal.

  • Dr. Tendler will prescribe the medications needed following your surgery to prevent potential infection and control discomfort. Cold compresses can be used as needed to help with the pain. Patients can expect improved vision in as little as one week following surgery. However, some patients may need a few additional weeks before their optimal results are recognized. You should schedule and attend as many follow-up appointments as are recommended by Dr. Tendler so that your healing can be properly monitored.

  • Are you are suffering from the symptoms of a corneal disorder? Would you like to learn more about keratectomy, or PTK, as potential treatment options? If so, contact ART Vision in Sioux Falls, SD to meet with Dr. Alison R. Tendler and her team. Our practice offers treatment options for many corneal diseases and can help you achieve improved vision that will help you live a higher quality life. See the World Better. See Yourself Better.

    Call us at 605.306.2020 / Schedule an appointment


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 *Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.