Cataract Surgery Made Simple with ART Vision’s New Cataract Program

Cataract surgery only happens once in your lifetime and is life-changing. Our goal is to provide timely and pertinent education and information so you can make the best decision regarding your surgical and vision options, while also making your time in-clinic most efficient. Our new cataract program helps achieve this.

Before your in-office appointment, you will be assigned to a Patient Portal, where you will access a series of cataract educational videos to watch, fill complete several short medical history forms, and have your first Telehealth visit with our care team. This information is prepared to help guide you through the process of cataract surgery, as well as explaining vision options to help minimize everyday glasses wear for both distance and reading activities.

Here’s an overview of the educational videos included in the program.


Eyelid Surgery with Dr. Alison R. Tendler


Regaining Clarity: A Comprehensive Guide to Cataract Surgery at ART Vision