Presbyopia: Age-related Vision Changes
Most people who are over age 40 have noticed that some visual tasks that were once simple in their younger years, have become a little more difficult. It's one of the many changes that goes along with aging and is known as presbyopia. Presbyopia is the gradual loss of your eyes' ability to focus on nearby objects. It's a natural, often annoying part of aging. Presbyopia usually becomes noticeable in your early to mid-40s and continues to worsen until around age 65.
Presbyopia develops gradually. You may first notice that reading becomes more difficult. Words may appear blurred at a normal reading distance, or you may find yourself holding reading material further away to make the letters clearer. Often, reading can be even more difficult if you are tired or in dim lighting.
Even though presbyopia is normal, it can be frustrating for many people. While reading glasses are an option, they are not always conducive to every lifestyle. Dr. Alison R. Tendler and the team at ART Vision have several options to help with the inconvenience of presbyopia.
Refractive surgery options vary slightly based on age. Implantable contact lenses are best for patients under age 45. Refractive lens exchanges are a good option for patients over age 45 who have not yet begun to develop a cataract. Refractive cataract surgery is an option for patients who have the start of even a mild cataract, but still desire freedom from glasses.
Eligibility for surgery is dependent on many factors and the ART Vision team will always determine whether or not your eyes are healthy enough for surgery and what option is best for your particular goals. To learn more about refractive surgery options, click here.
The FDA has recently approved a prescription eye drop called VUITY™ that can help improve your reading vision. Want to know more? Click the link to hear Dr. Tendler describe how reading vision changes with age and how VUITY may be an option for you.
VUITY Drops to Improve Reading Vision