October is Eye Injury Prevention Month: Ways to Keep Your Eyes Safe from Harm

Woman Holding Left Hand over Left Eye in Disgruntled Pain

While it is important to protect your eyes every month, the American Academy of Ophthalmologists have deemed October as Eye Injury Prevention Month across the United States.

Every year, over one million people experience eye injuries and a whopping 90% of these injuries could have been prevented with protective eye wear. Protecting your eyes from accidental injury can help avoid long-term consequences, including blindness. In fact, accidental eye injuries are one of the leading causes of visual impairment in the United States.

Did you know:

Men are more likely to suffer eye injuries than women.

Most causes of eye injuries involve sports accidents, fireworks, and household chemicals.

Eyes can also be damaged by the sun. Be sure to wear appropriate eye protection against UVA and UVB rays!

To prevent injury to the eye, wear safety goggles when working on household projects or in your yard. You should also wear eye protection when jump-starting your car or working with cleaning chemicals. Always wear protective eyewear during sports and recreational activities.

Injuries to the eye, including cuts, burns, or foreign bodies stuck in the eye, are emergencies. Contact your optometrist or the nearest emergency department for any such injuries. Do not try to treat these injuries yourself! 


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